September 13, 2007

Reflections - Part 1

Woods are lovely dark and deep, u have miles to go before u sleep... @35, I keep thinking about this and wonder, I agree on the first part but somehow I don’t seem to be moving anywhere for the past couple of years, or even if I am somehow it seems to be in the wrong direction. Am i climbing the wrong ladder? Sometimes we are so engrossed in the Busy-ness of life and in climbing the ladder of success, that we seldom realize that we are on the wrong ladder. Is it not time to take a pause, to sharpen the axe?


Do everybody get such thoughts, or is it only me? is it because of a dip in my career recently? am i getting philosophical, because of some recent failures on the career front?


Whatever the cause may be, or reasons I am thinking of, to blame my current state, the fact remains that I do need to reflect on my career and make corrections

How do i go about? What is the plan of actions?


So to go somewhere, I guess first I need to know where I am... I will start of with a SWOT Analysis...

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